Tuesday, June 7, 2011

MM: LUM Alums

A few days ago, a TSTLNer sent a desperate cry out into the Facebookosphere. The one and only Chris Topher Robinson called, “The Stairs That Lead Nowhere Bloggers! BLOG!” And thus, I shall.

But what to blog about all these months later? So much has happened to all of us TSTLNers since Shauna’s last inspirational post.  Most importantly, we are no longer “Loyola University Maryland students with nothing important to say” but “Loyola University Maryland alumni that should probably start saying something important because we are real people now.” Ew.

Saying goodbye to college was no fun.  One of the only cool things about it is that we can call ourselves Lum Alums which sounds funny.  But I was proud of our ability to cram in as much food dates, movie-watching, Wii bowling and Truth-or-Lieing, hanging out, (competitive) drinking, and other fun things into the final months of our collegiate careers as we could.  We went out with a bang (see below).

But enough reminiscing. It is time to move forward.  Immediately after graduation I kept telling myself, “I’m too little to be a real person!” While I still think this is true, the show must go on. And so, I will use this kind-of-second-inaugural blog post to give all the readers that probably stopped checking us out a long time ago an update on where we all are/going.

TSTLN creator DK is one of a few Stairs people that has peaced out of America for some country called Thailand to teach university students English things.  I have yet to really talk to him so I really have no idea what he is up to over on the other side Earth.  But I’m sure he’s changing the world in the typical DK-way.

JF is also in Thailand spreading his wisdom to the students lucky enough to step into his classroom.  He had to shave his beard so the Bruins will probably lose in the Stanley Cup finals. There’s always next year!  

PT is currently holed up in Wisconsin playing guitar and having a drink or two while he waits for his car to be repaired after a run-in with a deer.  This is just one of the stops on his cross country trip to discover his inner self through nature and solo jam sessions in his faithful car. He will come back a changed man (but of course the same old Pat we know and love).

JG is chillin’ on Long Island and has an internship that involves parks, so he’s basically Tom Haverford from Parks and Rec. 

CR is another Teach for Thailand-er.  He reports that the food is wonderful and very inexpensive and says that DK is now “DK baby poo poo pants.” I cannot wait to play Sea Battle with him.

TD is preparing for an extended stay in the wonderful state of Texas, where he will jam out and work on his music.  Six Pack At The Circus reunion tour anyone??

CW is spending the summer in the greatest place on Earth, suburban Philadelphia, and then will be relocating to NY for a volunteer counseling job.  Go-a Christie-a!

KG is in Thailand as well, eating lots of chicken and rice (yum!) and teaching little Thais how to use Paint on computers.  Changing lives one lesson at a time.

BB is MIA. I’ve texted him a few times but to no avail.  Maybe he has taken up residence at the Warrior Emporium in Fed Hill? I’m not sure one can go in there and ever come out.

SB is currently living with me in Baltimore! She holds the most jobs and will be going to Loyola for grad school.  So far she has been a wonderful roommate and I’m glad I have her around to laugh with while watching The Bachelorette and cry with while watching Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition.

Which leaves me, MM.  I’m living in Baltimore and working for a seafood restaurant even though I don’t really like seafood.  But it’s money.  I’m brainstorming for an idea to win the Pulitzer Prize so I can have lots more money and visit New Zealand again. But until then I’ll settle for any internship I can find. Sorry I don’t have anything more interesting to report – in due time.

Until the next TSTLNer awakes from their blogging slumber…

Peace out!