Thursday, November 11, 2010

SB: Shona-isms

  1. Friends not Foes.
  2. Variety is indeed, the spice of life.
  3. Life should be a musical.  Prime example, Elf. I’m in a store and I’M SINGING!
  4. 4 year olds are sadists.  I’m all about babes but if I got one of them, I’m gonna do my best to lease it out for a year until it grows out of the evil phase.  I advise you to do the same
  5. Samwise Gamgee is the true hero of Lord of the Rings.  He is not in love with Frodo, he is just THE best friend in all the land.
  6. Produce is a very scary thing.
  7. Hand written letters are a forgotten art form.
  8. On a happy note, Muppets.  Jim Henson you are a genius.  There’s nothing the muppets can’t do! Take Manhattan,  Treasure Island, manamanoh! So much joy!    MANAMANOH
  9. Email and facebook on a phone is stupid.  If you get your email and facebook on your phone then what’s the point of having a computer?  To make spreadsheets and word documents? Bitch please.
  10.  If you find glitter on your face, it means you are happy.

Monday, November 1, 2010

JG: Aidan's Monsters

So, I am currently buying a picture of Gill Man.  Not only is he my favorite character in the 80's classic The Monster Squad, but it is in support of possibly the coolest charity I've heard of (and I read about it first on Barstool of all places).  The charity, Aidan's Monsters, is to support Aidan, a 5-year old boy recently diagnosed with leukemia.  Below is a little more about him:

         "Aidan is no ordinary 5 year old boy, in fact he is quite extraordinary. What sets him apart from most kids is his love for all things scary. He loves monsters, clowns, drawing, and dressing up. He does not wait for Halloween to roll around to have an excuse to wear a costume. And you better believe while in costume he will break character for nothing.

             Another thing that makes Aidan different than most children is that on September 13, 2010 he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).  He was strong and pulled through his first round of chemo all while teasing his nurses and vistors. Although this was a small victory Aidan, unfortunately, must go through 2 to 3 more years of chemo treatments and everything that goes along with that."
After considerations to sell the house due to staggering medical bills, the family decided to start selling some of Aidan's absolutely fantastic drawings of monsters to help offset the impact of the costs.  The art is not only for a great cause, its all awesome as well.  
So far, he is reportedly doing well.  Though, just two weeks ago he was diagnosed with a Staph infection that is postponing his chemo for a month.  The charity is also thriving, gaining lots of popularity and significantly improving the family's situation.
Prints are 8.5x11 and are an absolute steal at just $12.00 American dollars.  I'm going to get Gill Man, but there's some pretty sweet ones, like this Mr. Potato Head.

Check out these links:  
Learn About Aidan
Buy The Monsters!!

MM: The Sing-A-Long Man

This weekend some TSTLNers and I traveled to our nation's capital to explore the Georgetown nightlife with our dear friend GTP and to check out the Stewart/Colbert rally.  I don't have time to recap, but I thought I'd share this video of an inspiring DC Metro bonding experience.  As people packed themselves into the Metro cars, sacrificing their personal bubble all to have their sanity and/or fear restored, Stairs blogger JF fulfilled one of his life-long dreams and became known to all in the Metro car as "Sing-a-Long Man."

Not pictured in video: Man who whipped out a harmonica to accompany the beautiful singing.

I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween!
Peace out,

PS. Just one of many awesome signs at the rally: